Satisfaction in the Small

Satisfaction in the Small Things

I don’t know about you, but I have days where there is nothing there – no inspiration, no creativity, no ah-ha moments…I am just there (here).  For some writing and creating is a practice; for others it is an inspiration; for others it is a let-your-fingers-type-and-where-did-that-come-from-experience.  Most writers would say that you have to develop a practice.  Believe me, I understand the theory, I even understand the practice, but I don’t function that way…perhaps that is true for you as well.  What also may be true is the grappling with the knowing of the how-to’s and the actuality of how it is in reality…then in comes the “should’s”…talked about that before, remember?

So this morning I sat down to practice.  I honored the process for a few minutes and then I moved on in order to not beat myself up with the “should’s”.  I began a chain of doing the small things…organizing my scarves, hats, and gloves – something I have been wanting to do for months…sending a thank you note – something I am usually fashionably late about doing…cleaning the water tray in the refrigerator water dispenser – sadly I admit it was brownish.

I remember hearing Patsy Clairmont, a motivational speaker with Women of Faith.  She said in the midst of her depression and agoraphobia (fear of going out)…she started to be thankful in the small things – making her bed. Eventually her strength and abilities grew and her fears lessened.  That one point though has stuck with me…when I feel like I am not “accomplishing anything, I remember her being thankful for accomplishing her making the bed.

Back to my “small things”…I sat down for a moment and realized that there was satisfaction in accomplishing the things that I mentioned.  It felt good to do things I have been wanting to do.  It felt good that one thing led to another and I didn’t follow a list.  I didn’t succumb to the should’s.  If you were a fly on the wall, you probably would have laughed at me because it wasn’t as smooth as it sounds, but hey, things got done in the funniest of ways. 

Ok, I will tell you, I opened the closet, the hats, gloves, and scarves fell off the shelf…so I started to organize them…then there was a bottle of soap in there that I wanted to get out (peppermint soap for the holidays).  I took the soap to the powder room and saw that they mirror was dirty…I went to the kitchen to get the spray…and I was thirsty so I went to get a drink of water from the refrigerator and saw that the tray was dirty…I went to wash that and then sat down to check e-mail and thought, “ok, I need to write a thank you note”…I did and I looked up and saw the hats, gloves, and scarves on the floor and returned to organize that…the bathroom light was on and I remembered that I was going to wash the mirror…and so I did.  Tasks completed…full circle.  There, I told you.  Sorry I bored you with the details, but, I bet you have had those very same experiences. 

No, these little accomplishments are not writing the next great novel; no they are not impacting the world with my “gifts”; no they are not creating, being productive in the world’s eyes, or even those around me; but, the small things are satisfying inside, for me…I needed to take a moment to appreciate that today.  I am grateful for the ability to do the small things…

…And then I sat down to write…and I could…hooray, I am grateful for all things.

Integrative Thought: Big things, small things, they are all the same…take a moment to be grateful for and in the small things. 

Before I close, a great big hooorrrraaaayyyy for Susan Dennard.  Susan is a writer and blogger. 

Susan has answered questions about writing and has been an inspiration through her blogs (she has several)…she has commented on my blog and I feel like I know her…and…she signed a three-book deal…can you imagine.  Fellow writers, check out her blogs:  Congrats Susan!