Sketchbook Project 2013 – Go In

sketchbook project

Have you heard of the Sketchbook Project?  The Sketchbook Project Library is coming to a location near you – if it comes to a city near you, I hope you take the time to support the library.  This past year I participated in the Sketchbook Project through the Art House Co-Op.  If you haven’t heard about them, check them out.  They provide wonderful opportunities for art, writing, and creativity with people from all over the world.  What a great way to experience community.

I would love for you to go and check out my sketchbook/chapbook at the link below . . . and while you are there take some time to look at all of the wonderful creative energy.  Be careful, you might find yourself wanting to dabble and join the play.  Many of their projects are free, I hope you do desire to get involved.

I included several of the photos and haiku from last years daily blog project for me, along with other poems and art.  I hope you enjoy.

If the link doesn’t work, go to:, click on “digital library” and type in “Kris Kennedy”, and then press search.  It should bring up my book.  Thanks for enjoying this project with me.

A “Heart” Find

"A Harvest Heart"

I have been an admirer of Rick Ruggles’ interest and art with “found hearts” in objects and nature for years.  This morning I was preparing breakfast and felt a little like Rick – a piece of harvest bread from Whole Foods and a wonderful heart.  Isn’t that just so fun?

I purchased several of his posters for gifts throughout the years – they just make me smile.  If you never had a chance to admire his work, check out his website:

A Great Way To Start The Day

As you go about your day today, be open to seeing hearts all around you…and not just those in your friends.  Enjoy the day!

Remembering Autumn

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The candelabras burn with the feel of a warm fireplace.  The snow deepens over the signs of autumn – red, gold, orange leaves.  The birds scramble at the feeder.  The beautiful blooming red gerbera is confused in its white blanket.  It is a day of remembering the recent signs of autumn – stick bugs, turkeys, squirrels, orange moons and beautiful sunrises.  I have shared with you a slide show of remembering autumn.  Today in the northeast we take a timeout to entertain a passing blanket of snow.  I hope you have a good book, a warm home, and a tasty cup of tea.

Experiencing Life

So much to experience, so much to feel…  When we take time to sit and watch, be present with ourselves and with the world around us, the world unfolds much beauty…and reality, and helps us to get in touch with all of our emotion.  I thought I would share what I have been experiencing through pictures:

I have written several times over this past year about the chipmunks and squirrels out my window…if you remember, years ago I used to call them “skeevy rodents”…but as I have taken time to experience them, interact with them, and watch their interactions with me, I have learned to have a respectful, loving relationship with them…not without up’s and down’s though…

Here is one of my friends sitting outside of his/their metropolis – I equate the behind the rocks kingdom to Manhattan because I can only imagine that is what it looks like in there.  In my rock wall which has receded almost a foot because of the rodent kingdom behind, there are no less than 20 entries, doors, tunnels to the inner world…most of which were re-created after I planted the wall with sedum. Doesn’t he look so innocent?

Did I mention that I love these little guys so much like family that I am growing tomatoes to share with them?  Hmmm…yes, that is a juicy, ripe, red tomato…I didn’t realize I had a co-op.

I started to have feelings of dislike.  Not only did they create a world that caused my wall to fall backwards, now they are stealing my tomatoes.  I stopped sitting outside because they are always under foot.  As much as I say I am not scared of them, every single time they run under me, my being is startled.  What I didn’t mention was that my next door neighbor feeds them peanuts all day long.  My wall is their inner world, one of their communities, and my patio is their freeway.  When she puts peanuts out, they will run deliveries back and forth until their job is complete…I think my neighbor on the other side must house their pantry.

I went so far as to investigate how to “get rid” of them because my back yard was no longer mine.  Here is where the “guilt” sets in…some would suggest gratitude, but here is the emotional turning point.  Just when I started the investigation of termination, out of nowhere comes:

Yes, I live in a neighborhood where no outdoor pets are allowed.  At first I thought, how cute…she passed through day after day, stalking the wall, the residents, but in my naiveté, I assumed one big happy community.

I sat one day writing and out of the corner of my eye, there she was…and there she went with one of the little chippies in her mouth…off to the woods for dinner.  I was so sad, no longer were they “trespassing-in-the-way-frustrating-rodents”, my friend was just hauled off for dinner.  Needless to say, I started putting my energies to protecting these little guys, whom days before, I was looking to eradicate.  The next day I was on the sofa, and in my periphery, once again, it happened.  This time though, he hung in the cat’s mouth and it was like we made eye contact – we both knew the inevitable… more sadness.

I used to have opinions about roadside memorials and now look how things change…(pun intended)

I have one little guy left, he is like royalty to me now ( again, pun intended)…we talk every time he shows up.   To finish the story, the cat came to my step as I was writing, sat there in eye-to-eye contact, almost to say, “I did it for you, is it OK now?  Are you OK?”  He didn’t move and maintained total eye contact for minutes.  Then, as well, I couldn’t be mad at her either.  [Did I tell you, I am not a fan of cats?]

What did I learn?  Every moment in our lives can have a multitude of emotions, that juxtapose, co-exist, compete, but we can be OK having all of them.  We can sit in sadness.  We can sit in frustration.    We don’t need to act on frustration, we can be in it and it can be OK.  In the big picture “most” everything is really OK.  I say “most” because not everything is OK, people getting hurt is not OK, but my wall falling in, the natural life cycle, feelings, yes, they are OK.  LIfe happens, and no matter what is going on, all can be OK.

A Classic Ugly Duckling Tale

One of these things is not like the other; one of these things just doesn’t belong. 

Do you remember that song?  I don’t remember much about Sesame Street, but I always like figuring out what didn’t belong.  Sometimes in life, we feel like “one of those things.”

I often sit at a nearby lake to read and write.  There is a flock of geese that each year take up residence there to raise their young.  Right in the middle of the flock of some fifty geese is this white duck.  I am not sure if she is 100% duck or if she is 50% duck and 50% goose, but regardless she is 100% part of the greater geese family on the lake.  She eats with them, travels with them, assists with the young, and acts like a goose – and yet she doesn’t look anything like them (well, she does have one black tail feather that postures up in the air like a goose when she paddles with the crowd). 

This duck is a living example of the classic, Ugly DucklingShe is totally unique and yet totally the same in her community.  Our journey is much like hers.  We are to be unique.  We will not always fit in.  We may never fit in.  We may always stand alone in our thoughts, beliefs, experiences, expressions, and yet that is the beauty we bring to the whole – to the communities we are in both great and small.

In watching her – it is like she knows no differently.  Sometimes it is hard to know no differently.  What I think we forget sometimes in our own lives is that those around us “know no differently”.  Sometimes we need to embrace for ourselves that which is already given – acceptance.  Sometimes we forget also that others are concerned with their own uniqueness, and don’t even see ours. 

Some of us blow the whole issue off as if we don’t have time to think about these things – we are above them…Some of us are stuck in the phase of feeling terminally unique – as if we will never fit in…Wherever you are in your journey – take time to celebrate your diversity today.  This duck certainly celebrates hers.

Signs of Spring

If you live where I live you probably woke to snow this morning.  I waited for that one last big one that everyone talked about, but it didn’t come.  I love snow, so to not have that last snow was sad, but I have been moving into the longing of Spring.  On a day when Spring is a mystery, I thought I would share signs of Spring that I have been capturing.  I hope you enjoy!

These are photos of a family (or multiple families) of blue herons nesting.  It has been awesome to watch over the weeks.  Look at all of the nests….each nest is a family…at any given time four sets of young can be feeding at one time…and to think that this wonderful sight is less than a mile from my home…how fun.  Saw a bluebird and some seagulls (well, lake gulls), as well.

I would have never seen the “heron” tree or got to share these photos with you if I hadn’t been taking my niece for driving practice.  She was driving, I was the passenger, and she was so adept at driving that I got to look around…what a gift.  Happy Soon-To-Be-Spring!

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Ginger Mango Yogurt Pie

Tried a great recipe this weekend found in Whole Living Magazine  (March 2011, pg 54)…I would highly recommend it…of course I made a few modifications, but it was great…and actually healthy as well…can’t wait for you to try it…

1.5 cups granola (I used Udi’s organic gluten free)

2 Tbs sugar (recipe calls for 3 Tbs)

4 Tbs unsalted butter, melted

8 oz. Neufchatel cheese, room temperature

1 cup Greek yogurt (2%) (recipe calls for 3/4 cup)

2 Tbs honey (plus more for drizzling)

2 tsp grated fresh ginger (recipe calls for 1 tsp)

1 mango, sliced

(Melted dark chocolate…I had some left over from making chocolate covered strawberries…so I drizzled on the pie shell after it came out of the oven before I put the cheese mixture in it…always a little something extra, you know.)

Pulse granola, and sugar in food processor, mix in melted butter, press in 9 inch pie pan and bake approx 10 minutes at 375 degrees until brown…remove from oven (put a plate over it and sit it out in the snow – that is what I did), put on a rack to cool.

Beat cheese in mixer until smooth, add yogurt, honey, and grated ginger…

Put cheese mixture into pie shell and refrigerate 6 hours or more…

Slice mangos and abstractly or uniformly place on top of pie to serve…

Can’t wait for the next occasion to serve it…

Thought I would humor you with my squirrel pictures…

This picture shows one of my buddies saying “more”, but I take it as “more, thank you”…

This picture shows him saying, “please”, but he just sat back down when I snapped the picture…

Lastly, this picture shows him doing a different sign, you figure that one out…

Gone to the Squirrels

If any of you know me, you know how much I am a fan of squirrels.  I, in the past, had a nickname for them: skeavy rodents.  I used to meet people in City Park and I would be so hypervigilent because the squirrels would come up on our benches…aaauuuggghhh!  But now I have a backyard “not so exotic” menagerie of birds and animals.  My neighbors feed the squirrels peanuts (and I get the shells), but over the winter they seem to go away for days at a time.  When they are away, the squirrel community says, let’s go beg the neighbor.  If you don’t think squirrels communicate, you need to come visit me. 

This morning they sent the messenger and he came and sat on my step and spoke sign language, literally.  He sat there with his one paw over his chest, “please”…and he didn’t move.  So benevolent as I am, I tried to figure out how to share my bounty with my formerly skeavy rodents. 

I found a jar of organic peanut butter and corn flakes…(I can create anything with a few ingredients)…so I made peanut butter cornflake balls…

My backyard is still layers of ice, so the next task was to get these balls up in the yard…you should have been here…you would have laughed hysterically.  I opened the door, took a spoon, and catapulted the balls up into the snow.  The balls smashed into pieces upon landing…

Suddenly I became the gourmet queen of the “not so exotic” menagerie…hero for the day…and quite frankly, “not so smart home owner”, for tomorrow there will be more begging. 

Hope you enjoy the pictures.  I tried to get everyone to pose, but their food was more important than my pictures…

Snow Day Moments

 If you are in the northeast, you probably are having snow.  Is there anything better than snow?  Well, ok, yeah…there is…but snow is one of those favorite things on the top of my list.

So what are you doing to celebrate you on a day like today?  You might be at work, but that doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate you…take a moment to look out the window…open the window and feel the brisk cold…have an extra cup of warm tea…

My clients cancelled and I took a moment and asked what would feel good for me today…so I thought I would share my day with you…

I cleaned  – yuck for me, but I try to make it palatable by singing, meditating, praying…it felt good because I am having some friends over and I am now done cleaning a day early.

In trying to find my fondue put, I found my spices for masala.  Before I made masala, I cleaned my spice cabinet and the big cabinet above the oven (that never gets cleaned)…I celebrate me every time I throw some things away that aren’t necessary or “I will get around to using someday”…getting rid of clutter is very celebratory.

And…I made garam masala (Indian Spice mix).  A few years ago I took Ayurvedic cooking classes with Linnea Jepsen and learned to make different masalas…and what better day than today to make a batch.  I use it for sauteing vegetables…I add it to rice…and sometimes I put olive oil on pita and sprinkle it with masala and then I broil the pita until it is crisp…nice crunch when I get the crunch cravings.  Thought I would share the recipe with you:

My Masala

(I say that because I didn’t follow a recipe…as usual…and these spices are what I mixed together today.)  Doesn’t it look great?  I wish you could smell it…it has a wonderful aroma.

4 TBS Coriander Seed

2 TBS Cumin Seed (I used half white and half black)

1 TBS White Peppercorns

1 TBS Fenugreek

1 tsp Black Cardimom

1 tsp Clove

1 tsp Cinnamon

Dry roast all of the above in a pan until browned (be careful to not burn)

Grind in coffee grinder

Add: 1 1/2 tsp  Dry Ginger Powder

Store in a Air-tight container

I was taught to put some in ghee or olive oil in a pan for a few minutes before adding vegetables.

I celebrate me when I take time to cook with care for me.  What are you doing today to celebrate you?  Please share how today inspired you to celebrate you…we would all like to hear.  Have a great snowy day!