Writing Friends: Check Out This Site

Madison Woods http://wp.me/Pj6xM-MQ each week invites others to join her in her:

100-word Flash #FridayFictioneers

Madison gives a picture prompt and invites writers to write a story to the photo in 100 words or less.  This is her photo for this week:

It is a lovely photo, but my writing took a different turn.  Here goes my writing:

I stood like a deer in headlights, not knowing which way to turn.  Well, literally, I looked behind me and their lights were on me.  They knew my path.  There was light on the horizon.

I decided to run, explosions in the distance, cracking sticks, limbs, and crumbling leaves encroaching closely behind me.  All was but a whisper though compared to the pounding and pulsing deafening my spirit.  I ran, no time to think, no time to contemplate, I just ran.

Minutes ago I stood, camera in hand, beauty to capture, landscape and light my focus, what happened?  Why this?

I would invite you, if you want to dabble in writing, to go to her site and join in on the fun.  A great challenge.

Good Intentions Writing

Pen and Paper

A few days ago, I posted a muse/challenge about “writing through the senses“.  So yesterday I had some time in the afternoon and went to a local bookstore to write/experiment with the exercise.  As every writer talks about and every person has experienced with good intentions, my mind went blank.  There was just nothing there.  I thought for fun, I would write about a cup of coffee – thought it would be an easy practice with writing through the senses.  I sat, smelled, listened, looked at people drinking, and everything was blank.

So as accomplished writers suggest, I just started writing.  I thought I would humor you with my “nothingness”…

Writing Practice


Without Direction

Good Intention



Without Connection


Pen Propped

At The Ready

Go, Create, Enter

Into The World,

Into Words, Into The Heart,

Into An Infinite Realm Of Possibilities…

And Here I Sit With Nothing To Write.

As we know, life is so much about the process and not the success, the outcome, or the purposefulness of the task.  Be ok with the day…and every part of it…