Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Background
Love and Gratitude Friends

I am thankful for the small things.  There is no better time than the present to take an inventory of the many things, big and small, that I am grateful for.  Here goes:  I am thankful that my niece is lying on the sofa, singing, and spending a few days with me.  I am grateful this past year for healing, growing, learning, living, exploring inside and out, trying new things.  I am thankful for friends, family, and those who are my teachers.  I am grateful for freedoms to: write, work, choose, take care of self, listen, think for self, worship, be.  I am thankful for the opportunities that I have to walk with people in their growth and healing.  I am thankful for colored markers, and coloring books, journals, computer, blogs, books, colored knives, art glass, colorful quilts, and mostly for the colorful people in my life…color is important can you tell.  I am grateful for my kayak, snowshoes, hiking boots, hiking poles, and a camera – all which let me experience the joy, splendor, creativity of our God.  I am grateful for the cardinals, blue jays, doves, finches, wrens, squirrels, chipmunks, fox, deer, coyotes, woodpeckers, and even the little black vole who live outside my window and oh wow, the hawk that just landed on my patio chair…I think he didn’t want to be left out…I never saw one sit so near…those of you who have been to my house know these guys congregate here.  I am thankful for blueberries, cherries, mangos, and strawberries in my freezer…tasty remnants from summer.  I am thankful that very soon Chico the snowman will soon have a relative when the snow comes.  I am grateful for living in an environment where there are seasons…

I celebrate life with you this Thanksgiving. I celebrate creation, gifts, and you. I hope I brought a moment of smiles into your day…and inspired you to take a moment of gratitude for the small things as well.

Much love and gratitude….Happy Thanksgiving.


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