
Intuition.  Admittedly for a very long time I was afraid of this word or concept.  Perhaps I was taught to not give it regard because it was considered “supernatural”.  Perhaps you are snickering because I am even admitting this truth.  I am doing so, though, because I think there are many who are still afraid of giving authority or respect in our inner beings to the role of our intuition.  For those of you who have always lived knowing, following, and trusting your intuition, this post might not be a post for you, but for others of you, who perhaps have had an experience like mine, you might find it thought-provoking.  Enough preface.

According to Wikipedia, intuition is derived from the Latin word, intueri, and is translated as “to look inside” or “to contemplate”.  Many know the term intuition as “to follow your gut”.  In the last several centuries, I think there has been a significant chasm between those who live and take for granted, following intuition, and those who have been cautioned away from “following your gut” to follow their obtained knowing, their intellect, or a particular dogma.  Research however, continues to bring validity to the fact that it is in our gut where the bed of our emotions lie.  It is in our gut where our knowing lies.  It is in our gut where our intellect is governed.  This concept is not new, but perhaps cautioned away from as a sense of control and/or fear in some cultures.  In our culture, for many of us, the development of intuition, is something that has to be “re-evolved”  – it is and has always been there, but it is a training or re-training to allow the freedom of knowing, and living in trust of that knowing.

You may remember in the past I have written about “the three questions” – What do I want?  What do I need?  What feels good for me?  Asking those questions invites us back to honoring our intuition and integrating our intuition with our intellect for the care of our soul.  These questions open the door to respecting our soul.  As we listen and follow these “knowings”, then we are able to have boundaries, invite in truths about ourselves, hear them/believe them, and at the same time, we invite others to respect us as we respect ourselves.   We really can’t have honor for others, if we don’t allow the honor for ourselves first.  If we don’t have honor for ourselves first, we don’t know how to truly honor others.  Honor to others then becomes a game of “What is in it for me?”  Subtly and subconsciously so often we ask, “How is helping, or being kind, or loving that person going to really help me?”  Let’s face it so many of us long for that “good job”, “at-a-girl/boy”, “you are wonderful”.  Please don’t hear me say these are wrong desires.  I think where we err though, out of fear of believing who we truly are, is in putting all of our hope eggs in the basket of how we think others or the world sees us.  Sometimes we get caught in the trap of thinking that our value comes from others’ beliefs about us and their interactions with us, setting ourselves up for hurt, shame, less power, less self-worth.  Ultimately then we end up trying to master our self-worth in our head, our intellect – “our self talk”.  We then try to “speak” into our value – make ourselves “feel good” at the same time we ambivalently tell ourselves we shouldn’t want to feel good.  In other words, our protectiveness of our defense mechanisms or ego states function in protection of our own fear – not being able to trust and believe who we truly are.

More thoughts to follow, but for now, I hope you continue to ask those questions of yourself, honor them, . . . and begin to invite your intuition into the equation called your life.

10 Replies to “Intuition”

  1. Hi Kris

    for a long time when I was younger, I allowed my very mercurial, rational side to overrule my equally strong intuitive side. But I gradually realised that those intuitions spoke truth, whilst the mercurial side ( in keeping with the god Mercury! ) sometimes did not.

    Now, I just trust that which makes no rational sense when it speaks strongly to me. Given that current research is now showing that we make our true choices and decisions before reason can get there, it makes sense to operate like that….

    1. As always Anne it is good to hear from you…thanks for providing more info to further the discussion. I think so much of our life experiences, culture, traumas, dogma, etc. become filters through which we screen our intuition. I hope to write more on that soon. It is interesting to see that research is showing us what has been known for ages. Thanks again for sharing.

  2. good article, as a computer person, I think of intuition as core processing in the subconscious. The best intuition results from when a subject is immersed in data, and a single data point ( I can’t believe I was about to use datum ) is out of whack.

    A good example is when a girl, who has a lifetime of observation on “normal” human behavior thinks a guy is “creepy” or “dangerous”. When those times happen, it is very important to listen to it.

    It often happens that I will be in a meeting and someone will propose something and I can say, that doesn’t feel right. Sometimes it takes days, but almost always there is a flaw.

    Too bad it is so hard to look at our emotions analytically. Self knowledge, always the most difficult to master.

    1. I so appreciate how everyone understands intuition through their own expertise…so cool. Anne talked about planetary influences, you speak from the terms of computers…so cool. I hope to share more thoughts about intuition in the weeks ahead. Thanks so much for sharing…and for letting me share your haiku on the other blog.

  3. Hi Kris!
    I enjoyed this post. I did my undergrad in philosophy and theology. My colleagues and I enjoyed many happy hours hashing out the epistemological questions surrounding the classic debate between reason and intuition as the foundation of knowing. I’ve come to the conclusion that what makes us human is our moral nature not our reason. Morality is not a product of logic but something deeply intuitive. This is the reason people are not moved by logic but by the heart. I appreciate your post.
    Warmth and Peace

    1. Yes, I agree…good to hear your input…thanks so much for stopping by, but even more so for contributing your thoughts. I think it would be fun to have such conversations…very cool.

  4. We really can’t have honor for others, if we don’t allow the honor for ourselves first. If we don’t have honor for ourselves first, we don’t know how to truly honor others.
    So TRUE and important!

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